HGH Human Growth Hormone
HGH Human Growth Hormone is responsible for our physical growth and development as we age into adulthood. Produced in the pituitary gland of the brain, HGH production dramatically slows down as we get older.
HGH Growth Hormone is responsible for growth stimulation, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration. As you age the production of HGH slows down, it ultimately affects our aging process. If there is a lack of HGH production, our body is susceptible to noticeable signs of aging.
For most adults, this may include:
weight gain
loss of energy
loss of muscle mass
loss of bone density
loss of hair
loss of libido
and many other traits most people attribute to aging.
Unfortunately, decreased production of HGHHuman Growth Hormone can occur as young as age 35. Since the process of aging is not something to be desired for, you may benefit from taking HGH Human Growth Hormone as your IGF-1 levels drop. Many adults who take HGH as a supplement notice dramatic changes within the first 3-4 months. Weight loss, defined muscle tone, smoother skin, the return of strength, prevention of hair loss, and an increase in sexual desire are commonly reported among those who use HGH as a supplement.
Along with youthful benefits, HGH human growth hormone allows for consistent sleep patterns, giving you restful sleep. There are many reports of HGH supplements helping adults who have suffered from insomnia.
HGH supplementation offers the possibility to look and feel younger. Along with having the potential to regress back to your youthfulness, there is renewed interest to consider HGH as something to prolong your youth. For many, this is amazing and relieving news.
HGH may not be the “Fountain of Youth”, but it does offer an alternative to looking and feeling old while you’re still young. Promoting healing and cellular replacement, HGH has been medically proven to attain lost youthfulness.