Somatropin HGHSomatropin HGH was discovered through medical research that emerged in the 1980's, enabling researchers to splice human genes. The process of gene splicing allowed researchers to clone Somatropin HGH identifying its exact sequence of human DNA structure of the human body of 191 Amino acids. In 1985 Somatropin HGH expert Keith Kelley, M.D. demonstrated that injections of cells that secrete high amounts of Somatropin hgh could cause the thymus glands in mature rats to grow until they became as large and healthy as those of young rats. The thymus gland is the primary organ of the immune system. When levels of Somatropin HGH are increased throughout the immune system, it sets off the following reactions: increased maturation of neutrophils, higher activity of natural killer cells, stimulation of macrophages, increased production of red blood cells, production of new antibodies, increased production of T-cells and interleukin 2, and the greater proliferation and activity of lymphocyte cells. Somatropin HGH was identical to that of the human DNA, it was then produced in drug laboratories in commercial quantities. Consequentially, biosynthetic somatropin ( In the mid-1980's, cadaver Somatropin HGH To test his theory, Dr. Rudman began a study by replacing Somatropin HGH Human Growth Hormone in a group of older men to examine its effects on lean body mass and body fat in elderly adults. Dr. Rudman studied 26 men between the ages of 61 and 80 who had experienced significant adverse changes in body composition with age, but who were otherwise healthy. These men were overweight and had significantly low levels of Somatropin HGH. Dr. Rudman selected Somatropin hgh injections for sale as the initial hormone to be replaced. He was aware that the decline in Somatropin HGH after age 35 was accompanied by an increase in body fat and a decline in lean muscle mass. The men in the study who received Somatropin replacement gained an average of 9% in lean muscle mass while losing 14% of body fat during the six-month test. Bone density increased and their skin also became thicker and firmer. According to Rudman, these particular men experienced a reverse Dr. Rudman inspired research scientists and physicians worldwide to investigate and research the use of Somatropin human growth hormone replacement therapy to reverse the effects of Providing those with Somatropin hgh deficiency from pituitary disease with hormone replacement had a remarkable impact. Results included an increase in mood and energy and even reversed heart failure according to the New England Journal of Medicine in 1996.
Since the studies conducted in England, Sweden and Denmark in 1985 show Eli Lilly secured FDA approval for Somatropin replacement therapy because their trials showed that it resulted in many attributes that would lead to a more youthful lifestyle. The studies showed an increase in muscle mass, decrease in body fat, increase in exercise capacity, increase in energy levels, organ rejuvenation, hair growth, increased memory, tighter skin, and much more. This helped patients live a more fulfilled, energetic lifestyle. Considering these studies and trials, it can be concluded that professionals recommend taking Somatropin in their 30’s to prevent |